“Tricking Power into Performing Acts of Love weaves together delightful stories of mischief from famous tricksters.”
Open Your Mind...
…to grownups who play as they did when children, play in order to keep on playing, not to win or defeat. Such folks will encounter and engage with the Trickster, humanity’s oldest known archetype. The Child plays for fun, and the Warrior plays to win, but the Trickster’s play disrupts the Warrior’s contest, and opens a portal to a wider range of societal possibilities. Click around to learn more.

…a thoughtful examination of shared attributes of Tricksters across genres, time periods, and cultures, from the Native American coyote and Zulu weasel to “The Fool” in King Lear and Bugs Bunny. Though the book’s firm command of the scholarly literature surrounding Tricksters will appeal to academics, its approachable, often jovial, writing style will also appeal to a wide audience.
Public Speaking
Shepherd Siegel would love to meet you, engage with and play with you and yers. Within the conventions of a featured speaker, but of course! With more than a nod to the magic of vaudeville, standup, and the fruits of diligent research. Dr. Siegel brings the Trickster archetype to life right before your very eyes. And explains how giving tricksters their due is going to make the world a better place.Recent Posts
The Return of Shepherd “Dogfriend” Siegel
Folks! You haven’t heard from me lately, I’ve been tied up with matters of cosmic significance, but hear me now! Especially y’all from the great big town of Portland, Oregon and beauteous Clark County, Washington., Come together, people, for the entertaining and hope-provoking fun of meeting up with The Trickster in Politics and Culture: I’ll…
Find Yourself in Sultan
I mean, IF you find yourself in Sultan on May 18th . . . (at NOON) You just might find Your Trickster Self . . . Squeeeee!!!! I’ll be making a fun presentation at The Sultan Library 319 Main St Sultan, WA 98294 Saturday May 18th at Noon Tricking Power into Performing Acts of Love…
Oh You Poor Things!
Haven’t seen the movie “Poor Things?” Want its surprises? Then GO SEE IT before you read this… and in the meantime, click the image below v v v A LITTLE PLUG FOR YOU BOOK CLUBBERS [CLICK!] In their 2018 period comedy The Favourite, Arizonan Emma Stone and Athenian Yorgos Lanthimos gave us clues of mischief…