Lost in the Supermarket (a poem with footnotes)
I’m all lost in the supermarket,
I can no longer shop happily,
I came in here for that special offer
Guaranteed personality.*
I encountered this army
of oversized shopping carts. War tanks Armored fighting vehicles The more that you add to them The more they subtract from you.
While boasting great prices, Costco and Walmart, Amazon and Whatever comes next… Will convince us we’re saving big, By buying, bye-bye-ing the earth Buy large, buy many, buy big.
And that Personality It’s in there somewhere If you haven’t found it . . . Buy large, buy many, buy big.
These Death Star Superstores Increase their Darth-grip** In tempo with income inequality. Whadda you want Lip-smackin’, whip-crackin’, paddy-whackin’, Income inequality. You might be poor, But you can still be glutted, With products and fat. |
Here they come, to save the day! **** Convince us we CAN make it on less.
The less we earn The bigger the sales. Big Stuff. Big Stores. Big Cars. Big Bodies.
All we gotta do Oo, oo oo-oo, oo-oo, is Buy a little more, It’s just a fucking store That’s aaalllllll all-all, all-all, All we gotta do.***** Did you know you can fall into a tank, an armored fighting vehicle? Hell, You can work yourself into anything, how can you get out of it******
Go. Visit. Shop. Buy. Open your heart. Do you feel the love?
[Neither do I.] |
*The Clash, Lost in the Supermarket
**Star Wars
***Mid-60s Cracker Jack Jingle
*****The Beatles, All I Gotta Do
******Neal Cassady
I mean, IF you find yourself in Sultan on May 18th . . . (at NOON) You just might find Your Trickster Self . . . Squeeeee!!!! I’ll be making a fun presentation at The Sultan Library 319 Main St Sultan, WA 98294 Saturday May 18th at Noon Tricking Power into Performing Acts of Love...
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HEY PLAYSTERS! Apropos of nothing, I want to share with you an excerpt from Disruptive Play: The Trickster in Politics and Culture. Well, not quite nothing. For the most direct route to Trickster essence is through its Great American Icon, Bugs Bunny. When I wrote Disruptive Play, not so long ago, I was certain that...