I’m all lost in the supermarket, I can no longer shop happily, I came in here for that special offer Guaranteed personality.* I encountered this army of oversized shopping carts. War tanks Armored fighting vehicles The more that you add to them The more they subtract from you. While boasting great prices, Costco and Walmart,…
The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It’s people who follow orders that drop bombs and massacre villages. …Banksy Play is dangerous. I’m remembering The Fight Club and how the film incorporates some aspects of a play revolution but mixed in with…
…as in this nifty article from the NYTimes closest competitor, the West Seattle Blog. PS, none of this is true, but it makes a great read! Book launch for Shepherd Siegel’s ‘Disruptive Play’ And here’s the narrated-by-caption picture gallery from the paisley and green event [Hint: With headphones on, play Side 2 of Dark Side…
Some of the 2018 tour . . . It’s all rye cheer. yers,
This is my introduction to Disruptive Play, nervously in front of a packed house at the Egyptian Theater in Seattle.
I’ve known John Byfield since 5th grade. When I moved to Seattle in 1992, John and his wife Kate, who travel a lot, were among the four or five people I knew. They made me welcome then, and they made me welcome again in THEIR new home, Mineral de Pozos, Mexico when I went down…